LBL is easy to use!
LBL for first time users
Install LBL (click here for the section regarding installation)
Go into your conda (or other python) envinronment (e.g. "lbl-env")
Use the following command:
lbl_setup {my_wrap_file}.py
where {my_wrap_file} is the name of the python wrap file that will be saved
This will ask you options to help you create a wrap file
You can add arguments as follows (leaving any blank will get the script to ask you)
--instrument={INSTRUMENT} where {INSTRUMENT} is one of the compatible instruments
--data_source={DATA_SOURCE} where {DATA_SOURCE} is the data source for the instrument
--data_dir={DATA_DIR} where {DATA_DIR} is the path to where you want lbl to store data
(models, input (science) data and output data). Please see the "File Structure" section below
Please look at the wrap file and try to understand all parameters before running the wrap script! (See docs for more info)
Copy the files (see next section) in to the "science" and "calibration" directories (within DATA_DIR).
Inside the "science" directory add directories for each object (See "File structure" section below)
For more information on input files for each instrument+mode see here.
Read "Running LBL with wrap files" section
Running LBL with wrap files
We will assume you have installed LBL and read "LBL for first time users" section above.
Go into your conda (or pip) envinronment (e.g. "lbl-env")
Find your wrap file (either generated in lbl_setup or taken from a demo)
Note a demo may already have a file structure set up so you may not have to run lbl_setup
Please look at the wrap file and try to understand all parameters before running the wrap script!
Run your wrap file in python as follows:
python {my_wrap_file}.py
File structure
You should create a {DATA_DIR} somewhere on your machine (with read/write access)
{DATA_DIR} is the path to where you want lbl to store data (models, input (science) data and output data).
Inside the {DATA_DIR} you should create a "calib" and "science" directory.
Inside the "calib" directory copy any blaze and wavelength solutions required (this depends on instruments/data source)
Inside the "science" directory add directories for each object (the name of the object can be anything but must be used inside the wrap file)
If you are providing telluric corrected templates they should go in a "template" directory here too.
For more information on input files for each instrument+mode see here.
Example file structure
This is the contents of DATA_DIR.
This is roughly the file structure you should have.