Output data

When completed there should be the following directories inside the DATA_DIR given.

calib              // contains input calibration files required by lbl 

                        (i.e. blaze and wave files depending on instrument
lblreftable        // LBL reference tables are added here

log                // Log files are stored here

models             // Any models downloaded are placed here

plots              // Any plots saved to disk are put here

science            // input spectra are put here (each in `{OBJECT_SCIENCE}` sub-directories)

lblrdb             // LBL RDB files are added here

lblrv              // LBL RV files (in `{OBJECT_SCIENCE}_{OBJECT_TEMPLATE}` sub-directories) 

                        are stored here

masks              // mask files for each object are placed here

other              // Other downloaded files are added here

templates          // templates are put here

Radial velocity outputs:

There are two main outputs a .fits file and a .rdb file.

The rdb file is compatible with dace (https://dace.unige.ch/radialVelocities/?) 

The fits file contains several extensions:

Note the .rdb file and RDB extension in the fits file consist of the following columns:

There will also be a set of columns that differ from instrument to instrument, these are basically columns taken from the input header to allow easy access to their values i.e.  AIRMASS, SNR_{order}, BERV, TLPEH2O etc.  a full list of these values will be provided at a later time but these keys should match keys in your input files so if in doubt of a key check the input files and telescope/instrument documentation for an explanation first.


_tc denotes a file has been cleaned of tellurics within LBL

Opening files

The .rdb files are designed to be opened in DACE Radial velocity interface: https://dace.unige.ch/radialVelocities/

The .fits files can be opened in  topcat: https://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/     (For the table extensions)

Or in python using astropy

Image extensions

from astropy.io import fits

wave = fits.getdata('lbl_{objname}_{template}.fits', 'WAVE')

dv = fits.getdata('lbl_{objname}_{template}.fits', 'DV')

sdv = fits.getdata('lbl_{objname}_{template}.fits', 'SDV')


>> (N, M)                # Where N is the number of input files and M is the number of lines


Table extensions

from astropy.table import Table

rdb = Table.read('lbl_{objname}_{template}.fits', 'RDB')


>> ['rjd',
























































































