Output data
When completed there should be the following directories inside the DATA_DIR given.
calib // contains input calibration files required by lbl
(i.e. blaze and wave files depending on instrument
lblreftable // LBL reference tables are added here
log // Log files are stored here
models // Any models downloaded are placed here
plots // Any plots saved to disk are put here
science // input spectra are put here (each in `{OBJECT_SCIENCE}` sub-directories)
lblrdb // LBL RDB files are added here
lblrv // LBL RV files (in `{OBJECT_SCIENCE}_{OBJECT_TEMPLATE}` sub-directories)
are stored here
masks // mask files for each object are placed here
other // Other downloaded files are added here
templates // templates are put here
Radial velocity outputs:
There are two main outputs a .fits file and a .rdb file.
The rdb file is compatible with dace (https://dace.unige.ch/radialVelocities/?)
The fits file contains several extensions:
Primary extension: Empty
Wave, DV, SDV, D2V, SD2V, D3V, SD3V Extension: Images (each 2D with shape number of lines by the number of files)
RDB0 is the reference table (fits bin table format)
RDB is the fits bin table equivalent of the .rdb file
PTABLE is the parameters used in this LBL run (fits bin table format)
Note the .rdb file and RDB extension in the fits file consist of the following columns:
Reduced Julian date at the time of observation. This corresponds to the Julian date - 2 400 000. Do not confuse with MJD, which is Julian date - 2 400 000.5
vrad, svrad
Radial velocity and corresponding error in m/s. This accounts for the systemic velocity of the object (e.g., Barnard’s star has values aroudn -110 000 m/s). The uncertainty on the systemic velocity is - at best about 30-50 m/s (see discussion in Artigau et al. 2022) but the uncertainties relative to this systemic velocity, which truly matter for pRV work, can be much smaller. This value can be accessed and plotted in DACE.
d2v, sd2v
Projection onto the 2nd derivative of the spectrum in units of m^2/s^2 with corresponding uncertainties. For a Gaussian profile, this can be converted into a change in FWHM.
d3v and sd3v
Projection onto the 3rd derivative of the spectrum in units of m^3/s^3 with corresponding uncertaintines. This is still experimental and shows a strong covariance with vrad. Use with care.
If you provided temperature derivative spectra, this is the temperature change in K with corresponding uncertainties. See Artigau et al. 2024 for details.
Local file name for referencing
dW and sdW
Differential width assuming a FWHM that has been measured with a CCF and corresponding uncertainties. See
Artigau et al. 2022 for the transform between d2v and dW. In units of m/s.
fwhm and sig_fwhm
FWHM (from CCF) plus the change in fwhm as derived from d2v and corresponding uncertainties. In units of m/s. This value can be accessed by DACE.
contrast and sig_contrast
Contrast changes in the spectrum as derived by projecting the zero-th order term on each line. This is analoguous
to a congrast change in a CCF. For each line, as defined in Artigau et al. 2022, we subtract the mean and adjust the
amplitude when doing a dot product against residuals.
vrad_achromatic, vrad_chromatic_slope, svrad_chromatic_slope and svrad_achromatic
Using all lines in the ‘trumpet plot’ (see Figure 3), we perform a linear fit against wavelength. The ‘chromatic_slope’ is the slope in m/s/µm of the fit and provides an activity indicator. We also determine the intercept, but as there is no point at 0 µm, we set the intercept at 0.5 µm (optical default) or 1.6µm (ir default) and provide the value of the fit as well as the corresponding uncertainties as ‘vrad_achromatic’ (units m/s).
CRX and sCRX
Analoguous to vrad_achromatic but following the Zechmeister et al. 2018 definition. Provides a slope of velocity as a function of ln(wavelength) in units of m/s/nepper. The intercept is not returned for this fit.
Input file name
Instrument dependent (may not be present for all), keyword used for computing the mjd (used in all)
Instrument dependent (may not be present for all), keyword used for computing the mjd (used in all)
Instrument dependent (may not be present for all), keyword used for testing depencies of vrad with airmass in NIRPS
Instrument dependent (may not be present for all), keyword used for computing the mjd (used in all)
Exact keyword instrument dependent. Used for subtraction of barycentric velocity.
Instrument dependent (may not be present for all). Exponent of the water absorption term of the telluric correction in APERO.
Instrument dependent (may not be present for all). Exponent of the ‘dry’ absorption term of the telluric correction in APERO.
Type of data product in APERO. In pretty much all cases, this would be ‘SCIENCE’, unless you want to document instrument drifts rather than obtain pRV of a science target.
Number of iterations required for LBL convergence. Large numbers (>10) are not expected for targets with little RV drifts between epochs.
True/False flag to determine if we had a convergence at all.
Systemic velocity used for this star.
Time of the wavelength solution in APERO. Instrument-dependent.
File used for wavelength solution in APERO. Instrument-dependent.
Velocity of the water component of the telluric correction (m/s). This is set to zero (for now) as we had unrealistic velocities that worsened RV solutions.
Velocity of the ‘dry’ component of the telluric correction (m/s). This is set to zero (for now) as we had unrealistic velocities that worsened RV solutions.
APERO-internal. Calibration data base wave file. Not present for all instrument
Object name. For APERO reductions, should match the APERO astrometic database.
Extracted signal-to-noise of a given order.
Barycentric julian date
APERO-internals, only present for APERO data reductions. These terms map the affine transform of the frame of interest onto the ‘master’ reference frame. Each image is transform through the transfrom [x,y] = [x_i,y_i]*[[shape_A,shape_B],[shape_C,shape_D]]+[shape_DX, shape_DY]
You do not expect the RV to be impacted by any of these terms, and these are used for error tracking.
e-width of the CCF of the template spectrum
LBL version, date and science directory. It is better to avoid comparing data analyzed with different LBL version.
vrad_XXX and svrad_XXX
For a number of bands, typically the standard SDSS+MKO bandpasses in the instrument domain, we provide a band-averaged velocity and uncertainy
vrad_XXX_0-2044, vrad_XXX_1532-2556, vrad_XXX_2044-4088
For each bandpass, we provide the band-averaged velocity on the left/center/right of the array. These should be consistent within uncertainties and if they are not, they trace instrumental effects.
vrad_XXXnm and svrad_XXXnm
The full wavelength range into N chunks in uniform velocity space, and the _{X}nm is the mean of the start and end of these wavelength chunks.
We provide bin-averaged velocities and corresponding uncertaintines in units of m/s for each of these wavelength chunks.
Some bins may have ‘0’ or ‘nan’ if very few or no valid line is present in the domain.
Opening files
The .rdb files are designed to be opened in DACE Radial velocity interface: https://dace.unige.ch/radialVelocities/
The .fits files can be opened in topcat: https://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/ (For the table extensions)
Or in python using astropy
Image extensions
from astropy.io import fits
wave = fits.getdata('lbl_{objname}_{template}.fits', 'WAVE')
dv = fits.getdata('lbl_{objname}_{template}.fits', 'DV')
sdv = fits.getdata('lbl_{objname}_{template}.fits', 'SDV')
>> (N, M) # Where N is the number of input files and M is the number of lines
Table extensions
from astropy.table import Table
rdb = Table.read('lbl_{objname}_{template}.fits', 'RDB')
>> ['rjd',